Deterring 97% of Intruders at
Auto Dealerships without Human Intervention
Auto Dealerships Need Security Surveillance Cameras
To Prevent Trespassing, Theft, Vandalism, Property Damage, and Fires

Cutting-edge Video Surveillance is vital for auto dealerships. You have millions of dollars in new product on the lot, out in the open for all to see and touch. Even a few simple scratches from vandals can cost you thousands keeping your service department busy when they have paying customers to take care of. Plus it’s essential to guard against professional thieves who can steal expensive parts. Video Guard Pro fully protects your entire lot 24/7 with human personnel who see everything.
Protect your Auto Dealership
Deter Crime & Theft
Notify intruders with a loud voice warning, strobe lights, that they have been spotted and authorities will be dispatched.
Prevent Fire & Flood
Our system includes Artificial Intelligence that is able to detect fires and floods and notify you before damage occurs.
Protect Vehicles
Valuable Vehicles are often left unsecured and easily accessible to criminals.
Virtual Video Guard Pro Auto Dealership Security Surveillance Systems provides remote monitoring services via state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, infrared, radar, and thermal motion detection cameras to alert our 24/7 Dispatch Command Operations Center of any type of breach, trespass, intrusion, or fire.
Our remote monitoring services make it so that you no longer have to continue investing in more security staff. Security Guard Service can be very expensive sometimes costing anywhere from: $35.00-75.00 per hour!
Our dispatch command center is staffed around the clock by qualified, PROfessional, PROactive, PROtection Specialists. . Our goal is to provide state-of-the-art security and peace of mind for your property and premises and ensure that we do everything at our disposal to detect, prevent, and mitigate any type of exposures to risk, loss, and liability, as a result of fire, theft, burglary, trespass, vandalism, and or any other forms of criminal mischief or conduct. Having our live guards monitoring your site remotely over WIFI or 4GLTE or 5G and satellite gives us the ability to see your site and protect it from all angles and perimeters by creating invisible fences, trip wires, intrusion zones, and Geo-Fences around the sites perimeter and interior we essentially create an invisible web of sophisticated technology encompassing and covering your whole entire site and property.